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Long Term Athletic Development Program

What is Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD)?

Long-Term Athlete Development is a training, competition and recovery program based on developmental age — the maturation level of an individual — rather than chronological age.

What age with this program target?

Ages 8-12 years old 

What types of activities will be done in this program?

Activities, exercises and games focusing on balance, coordination, strength, speed, power & agility.

How long will the sessions be?

Sessions will be 1 hour

How will this program be offered?

The program will be offered in two styles; drop-in sessions and a month membership program (2 weekly sessions for 4 weeks).

Participants from our TEST GROUP said?

"It did not even feel like I was exercising"

"It was fun to work with people I already knew but then sometimes got the chance to make new friends during the activities"

"I loved it, can you please please sign me up again?"

LTAD Drop-In Schedule

Coming Soon

Cost is $15 per session

View Gallery 

These photos are action shots taken during our test group in June!

Come try out this amazing new program offered at House of Hustle

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